# Sample .bk2siterc by Jose M. Vidal # # Multiuser support by Bradley Bell # # http://bk2site.sourceforge.net # # This file customizes the behavior of bk2site. bk2site looks # for this file in ~/.bk2siterc. Otherwise, the file can be # given with the -f parameter. Command-line arguments override # values set in this file. # # The format is a variable name followed by a value, with some # whitespace in between. The value has to be ON THE SAME LINE # as the variable. # I show all the variables available, along with some example # values. Any line that starts with # is a comment. # # If you use either $HOME or $USER or $LOGNAME they will be # replaced with # their values as given by the shell when bk2site is run. # For example # destdir $HOME/www # sets the destination directory to be www under the user's home. # NOTE: if you run bk2site as a cron job, $USER is not defined # (on Linux) # The directory where bk2site places the files. #destdir /home/httpd/html/ # When testing you might want to set it to #destdir /tmp/ #on a multiuser system you can use: destdir $HOME/public_html/bk2site/ # This is the HTML that will be placed in place of any %NEW # tags you place in your templates. Typically, this is a gif. # Notice that you can use directives here. newgif Added %MONTHCRE1/%DAYCRE/%YEARCRE # You can have bk2site reset the folders' creationtime to # be either: # maxdescendants --the max of all the urls that are descendants # of this folder. # maxchildren --the max of all the urls that are children of this # folder # normal --leave it alone. The creation time is the time you created # the folder #You set it to maxdescendants if you want to see the new.gif next # to all the folders that contain new urls. foldercreation maxdescendants # The bookmark file you want to use #bookmarkfile /tmp/bookmark.html # use the regular netscape bookmarks #bookmarkfile /home/jmvidal/.netscape/bookmarks.html # Leaving it blank tells it to use ~/.netscape/bookmarks.html bookmarkfile # The name of the file we write the published bookmarks to. #outputbookmarkfile /tmp/published-bookmarks.html # The name of the folder you want to publish #topfolder PUBLIC # leave it blank if you want all your bookmarks published. topfolder #The title you want to give to your pages title $LOGNAME's bookmarks #The folder for the news. I needs to be a subfolder of topfolder #newstopfolder News #leave empty if you do not want news. newstopfolder #Do you want bk2site to add HTML comments to its output stating # where it did the replacements? yes or no comments yes # The names of the indexbase.html and otherbase.html: # use a relative directory (not good if you are using cron) # In the RPM version, the sample files are located at /etc/bk2site/ # indexfilename /etc/bk2site/indexbase.html otherfilename /etc/bk2site/otherbase.html # The names of any other filenames you want to create, along with the # name of their index files (relative to destdir). # For example, if you want an extra file with new additions you say: extrafilebase /etc/bk2site/newbase.html extrafilename new.html #You can add more pairs, like: #extrafilebase /etc/bk2site/tophitsbase.html #extrafilename tophits.html # Add your HTTP proxy here (won't work if moved behind the channel section!) #http_proxy #http_proxy_port #http_proxy_user #http_proxy_password # The channels you (might) want to display # For each channel you must define three variables # first the name you will use to refer to this channel (in the base files) #channelname slashdot # the url for retrieving it (can be either http: or file:) #channelurl http://slashdot.org/slashdot.rdf # a filename where we will write a copy of this channel. Also, if the url # cannot be read we will try to read the channel from this file. #channelfile /tmp/slashdot-channel #channelname freshmeat #channelurl http://freshmeat.net/backend/fm.rdf #channelfile /tmp/freshmeat-channel #channelname multiagent #channelurl http://www.multiagent.com/mynetscape.rdf #channelfile /tmp/multiagent-channel #channelname lwn #channelurl http://lwn.net/headlines/rss #channelfile /tmp/lwn-channel #You can add as many as you want. Note that extrafilename will pre #prepended by whatever you specify in destdir. # The number of days we leave the new.gif next to a url timecutoff 30 # The string to use for the word "Top" which appears in the navigatebar top Top # or, in another language # top Cumbre #the name of your index.html file index index.html #or in DOS world #index index.htm #The name of the file you will use for the %HITS This file must #contain a bunch of times and urls (as generated by #redirect.pl, for example). Leave empty if you don't want this #feature. bk2site will read and WRITE to this file. # urllogfile #Note that redirect.pl by default writes to a file called "urllog" # that is in the cgi-bin directory. So, typically, you might want: #urllogfile /home/httpd/cgi-bin/urllog #Hits older than this many SECONDS will be ignored and purged from the #urlloggile, 2592000 = 30 days hitstimecutoff 2592000 #If you want the tophits section to also include the news items (assuming # the news folder is under topfolder) then set this variable to "yes". #The defaults is "no", which means that the top hits only include directory # entries and not news items. tophitsincludenews no #STUFF BELOW deals with search program #if you want to generate "urls.db", which is needed by the search program # then include here the full path. It needs to reside on the same # directory you put the "search" program. The file MUST BE NAMED # urls.db #search /home/httpd/cgi-bin/urls.db # if you do not want search, just leave it blank #search #on a multiuser system you can do: search $HOME/public_html/bk2site/urls.db #This is the path that takes us from the cgi-bin directory (i.e. the #results page) to the root (Top) of your bookmarks. If your bookmarks #reside on / and your search in /cgi-bin/bk2site, then: #searchtorootpath ../../ If your Top is in a subdir then #searchtorootpath ../subir/ If the search is done on a different #machine, then #searchtorootpath http://machinewithbookmarks.org/bookmarks/ #on a multiuser system you can do: searchtorootpath /~$LOGNAME/bk2site/ #The url template to use for the search results. This should probably # be the same template you use for the urls in the otherbase.html file. # BUT: note that search.pl automatically prepends every url with an
  • # ALSO: currently this template does NOT support functions (e.g. &CUT[], &NOHTML[], etc) #searchurltemplate %TITLE %NEW %HITS Who points to it? %IFCOMHAS(*cool*)() %CONDDASH %COMMENT searchurltemplate %TITLE %NEW %CONDDASH %COMMENT